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How to Use your Brand in Honeybook Brochures

If you are like us at Market St. Creative, you know how AMAZING Honeybook is in managing your business. Did you know that you can elevate your customer's experience by creating unique and custom branding for your Honeybook brochures.

It's not as complicated as you may think! Check out the video below to see how I've branded my pricing brochure in Honeybook.

Now here are three easy ways you can add branding to your Honeybook Brochures.

1. Add Images that fit your brand

In the Honeybook Brochure, you can add header images for each content section, images of yourself with a little more information about you, and images next to each of your services.

These images can be anything from illustrations, photography, or just your brand colors. Whichever way you plan to showcase your brand in the brochure, just make sure you are consistent in what you choose. Either way, your clients are going to appreciate the extra detail in your presented brochure.

2. Use Fonts that Match Your Brand

Whatever fonts you and your design choose to create within your brand, you should try to stay consistent in your brochure as well. The Honeybook Brochure has more than 50 commonly used fonts, so it's possible you might not be able to choose a specific font you use in your branded fonts, but you can choose a font that closely mirrors your chosen fonts.

3. Match your Brand Colors

Now that you've added some images and all of your content has been selected with a carefully picked font to match your brand, let's also make sure your colors align with your brand as well.

When your designer created your brand, you should have received a set of colors with HEX codes that you can plug in and use online. Anytime you want to use a color from your branded palette, you should be able match the color exactly to your brand using that HEX code.

Designer Tip: Remember to use plenty of white space to keep a clean and professional looking brochure. You want the content to be readable and user friendly.

Consistency helps build trust

When you are done creating your Honeybook brochure, remember to ask yourself.. Is my brochure on brand with your website and everything else I have?

If the answer is YES, that's great! You did a great job putting together all of the details of your brochure to not only give the information your client needs, but also giving them the same experience. Don't be afraid to get creative not online with the visual elements of the brochure, but also how you use the brochure. You can use it to introduce yourself to clients, create a pricing guide, or just provide some ongoing education. You know what your clients are going to need most!




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