Have you taken a look at your website analytics lately? How long are people spending on your site? Are they clicking on other pages, services, purchasing, or subscribing to your email list? Know where you are in how your website converts to new business is a great starting point to see where you can improve.
Depending on who your client is, it’s likely they’ll want to know a little bit more about you and your methods before booking your services. And if your website is set up in the most optimal way, they should be able to book your services or send you an inquiry in just a few minutes!
Here are some ways that you can use your website to convert to more sales.
Showcase those testimonials!
Nothing is better than a solid testimonial to show trust and expertise in your field. People want to know that you are a seasoned sleep consultant and can guarantee better sleep for their child. Plus, don’t just limit your testimonials to your website. You can showcase those testimonials in your printed materials, your social media feeds, and your email marketing. You can even add a testimonial to your signature line!
Tips on getting and using those testimonials
Use visuals – Nothing is better than SHOWING your happy clients. If you can gather images or videos of your clients along with their kind words, it creates more credibility and gives that personal connection that everyone craves in the online world.
Use testimonials where the client directly mentions how you helped them overcome those typical problems that your clients are facing.
Send a testimony questionnaire – Or just email your client after all is said and done and ask them to send you a testimony. If they are getting back their sleep at night, or getting more nap hours during the day, I’m sure they will be more than willing to share their experience.
Let your audience connect with you by leveraging your personality, personal images and videos
If your typical clients are tired, exhausted and desperate parents, chances are they don’t want to see someone who’s 100% perfect and polished. They want to know that you’ve been in their shoes and you are going to show them understanding and empathy. Showing real life images and showcasing videos where you talk about your own journey and mistakes along the way really does create that connection that these parents need.
Maybe you want your website to have a more polished look, and that’s great! You can put more of your messy, crazy, and fun personality into your brand on your social media accounts and correspondence with your clients. Whatever works for you!
Tips to connect with families:
Have a strong brand personality and stick with it. (Hint hint: If your brand is lacking some genuine personality, reach out to your graphic designer for help!)
Don’t be afraid to use humor, wit, and inspiration.
Get real on video to connect with your audience. This may not show up directly on your website, but you could include video on your social media, email marketing or your blog. As far as content goes, you could do interviews with other experts in your field, funny short video clips, product support, and more.
Make it super easy to purchase your services
You have such a small amount of time for your client to be on your website and stay interested! They are either get interrupted by other online notifications or other family members needing their attention.
Your website should include registration forms that are clear and short. On our own website, we personally only require the first name, last name and email address for basic inquiries, freebie downloads and email subscriptions.
Tips on a simple purchase process:
Only require 2-3 fields that they need to fill in. You can add more but make those fields optional.
Test out the loading times and make sure your website is optimally working.
Keep your content and design simple
A rule that I like to follow when it comes to content is to be direct and focus only on what you think your client is going to want to know and how their lives will change because of what you can do for them. You should give your client one or two specific actions they need to make on your website. Do you want them to know more about you, purchase your services, subscribe to your email list? Whatever it is you want them to do, make it exceptionally clear and easy for them to do it!
As for design – Don’t bother with those fun (but tacky) GIFs, over-the-top animated graphics, or transitioning every element on your site. Let the sections of your webpages BREATHE with spaces for them to rest their eyes (because you know all they want to do is literally rest their eyes).
Tips for boosting conversion on your site.
Simplicity is KEY. Don’t feel like you need to fluff up your content on your website. Anything that doesn’t lead your clients into sales conversion, get rid of it!
When writing content, stick to the core message and ensure that your final draft is visually appealing and readable. Use images where possible.
Set Up a Lead Capture Form
Before your curious visitor leaves your website, a lead capture form is a wonderful way to at least capture their email address before they are gone forever.
Just make sure that you have set up your form for the visitor to review and fill out easily. If you are a sleep consultant and you want a parent/guardian to fill out your form, you will want a strong reason for them to do so.
Tips to Create a Lead Capture Form
Your header message should be clear, short and compelling for the visitor to want to click.
A great example of how to use your lead capture form is offering a simple FREEBIE guide. You could talk about ways to setup a great sleep foundation for your newborn, how to deal with early wakings with your toddler, or any other tip sheet that you think a parent would find useful!
In Conclusion
We are living in a digital driven society where we often try to find connection online. Your website should be that safe-haven landing place for families to find your services and know exactly how to contact your, get your information and ultimately become a (well-sleeping) client!