Life as a working mom is hard. Between the day-to-day of running a household, and then the added stress of business and professional responsibilities, it's easy to feel like you're spread too thin.
Enter: mom guilt…no matter what you do you can’t seem to avoid it. We often hear from sleep consultants that they are struggling to find the balance between motherhood duties and running their business.
As a mom who works outside the home you feel guilty that you aren’t seeing your kids enough and that someone else is raising your kids. As a mom who works from home you feel guilty when you use TV to distract your kids during a client call. As a stay at home mom you feel guilty that you aren’t contributing to your family’s income.
We know that we shouldn’t be feeling guilty in any of the above scenarios, yet we still can’t seem to avoid it.
But we can reduce it!
One way to reduce that feeling is outsourcing some of your business tasks!
It is possible to outsource your way to less mom guilt and more business growth.
The truth is, outsourcing your
business tasks can help you achieve more. It's a great way to grow your business and make it more efficient, as well as save time by not having to do things that you don't enjoy or want to do.
Here are some ways outsourcing can help you:
You'll spend less time doing tasks that you don’t find fun or engaging. Let someone else take on the tasks that you are dreading.
You'll have more focus on what matters most—serving your clients well—instead of worrying about all those behind-the-scenes tasks (blog posts, scheduling Instagram posts, answering DMs, creating a lead magnet, website updates, and the list goes on)
Outsourcing will increase your bottom line in the long run because it gives you more time to focus on money-making tasks!
Spend less time on your phone when you outsource social media tasks. Social media takes us away from being fully present with our family more than we probably want to admit.
Outsourcing tasks that you aren’t efficient at can free up your time. Maybe writing isn’t your strong suit. Do you sit down to write about a topic but then suffer writer’s block? It’s not that you can’t write a blog, but if it’s taking hours to get it done then it’s probably not the best use of your time and may be a good task to start outsourcing.
Erin recently wrote 1100 words in less than an hour. Time is money, but time is also tickle fights on the couch and family meals, and play dates at the park. Outsourcing tasks that take you away from your kids can reduce mom guilt. Instead of suffering through writer’s block for hours, you can outsource this task to our team and have a blog post written for you while you are building forts and tucking your kids into bed.
Using (and reusing) templates to save time with content planning and creation. Have you checked out the Market St. Shop?
You don't have to choose between your business and your family.
You don't have to choose between your business and your family.
Outsourcing will give you more time to spend with your family, but it doesn't mean that you can't still manage a successful business while doing so. In fact, outsourcing may be the best way for many sleep consultants like yourself who want long-term success and financial freedom while also having time for their loved ones.
You can outsource all or part of your tasks so that even if there are fewer hours in each day (or week), those hours are still spent wisely—and not just by working on tasks that require only one person's attention at any given moment in time!
You'll be more efficient.
As a busy parent, you have a lot of responsibilities. After all, it's hard to find the time and energy required to keep up with everything that needs to get done. Outsourcing your tasks can help you relieve some of this pressure by freeing up your time so that you can focus on things that are more important: spending more quality time with family members or pursuing other activities that make life worth living.
You'll also become more efficient because outsourcing allows for faster turnaround times. When you have the right people doing the right things, they get done much faster and at a higher quality!
You will have less to do at the end of the day, so you can fully enjoy being with your family.
You will be able to focus more on your family and less on work. There is nothing worse than trying to have fun playing blocks with your toddler but instead you are consumed with thoughts about your long list of business tasks to do.
Outsourcing some of those tasks to someone else allows you to be fully present and truly enjoy building block towers.
You'll feel happier in general because your time is no longer spent trying to juggle all.the.things.
Outsourcing will save you time and energy so you can enjoy being a mom and an entrepreneur without the mom guilt
Outsourcing your business tasks is a great way to get more time in your day. You will be able to focus on what you enjoy and spend time with your family and reduce your mom guilt.
Outsourcing also helps make sure that the work gets done right and it doesn’t fall through the cracks because you were too busy running around after kids or other obligations. It also allows for greater efficiency in how much time is spent doing tasks versus how much time is spent thinking about them!
This means less stress for everyone involved – including yourself as well as those who are helping out!
We have all heard the phrase “it takes a village”. You’ve probably even shared this phrase with your audience, letting them know that you can be part of their village. Well Mama, you deserve the village too! We would be honoured to be part of your village; taking care of your business tasks so you can be more present with your children.
The reality of being a mom, running a business from home is that you don’t have to do it all. You don’t have to choose spending time with your kids over growing your business. You don’t have to choose growing your business over spending time with your kids. You can have both!
If you are ready to start outsourcing your business tasks but not sure where to start, consider these 5 things.
Be the mom and sleep consultant you want to be because your family needs you and the world needs your expertise. Put that mom guilt to bed (pun intended) - we are here to help you!